Bootstrap 4 CSS customization

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Manupulating variables

Sass variables

Sass variables of Bootstrap source code are defined in _variables.scss with !default option. You can change or modify these variables to customize Bootstrap styles.

Basic parameters

Variables below are basic parameters for whole style settings.

// Use 10% smaller fonts
$font-size-base: 0.9rem;

// import Bootstrap
@import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

Changing customization presets

Variables which starts with $enable- are built-in customization presets (see Sass options for the full listing). For example, gradients and shadows are disabled as default (on version 4.1.1). You can enable those options with an extension code as bellow.

gradient+shadow.scss (beginning part)
// initialize customization variables
$enable-gradients: true;
$enable-shadows: true;

// import Bootstrap
@import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

See Gradation and shadow effects to check differences of visual representations.

Modifying map variables

Sass suppots various types of variables (see Data Types). Most variables are scalar (numbers, strings, colors, booleans, and null). But variables below are defined as key-value maps.

You can also modify these variables. Adding and changing values are easy.

variables.scss (Sass source for this page)
// Example: Modify $theme-colors
$theme-colors: (
  // change "success" from green to teal
  "success": #20c997,
  // add "custom" to orange
  "custom": #fd7e14

// import Bootstrap
@import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

Below are live alert samples (compare with Bootstrap default colors ⇒ see Official document examples).

Success alert (changed from green to teal) - div.alert.alert-success
Custom alert (orange) - div.alert.alert-custom

You can also remove existing map entries using Sass builtin functions (search map-remove($map, $keys...) of map-functions). But you have to import partials invidually. See Remove from map of the official document for detail.